What Are Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes happen when you do not have enough moisture or lubrication. This causes your eyes to feel dry, itchy, and sometimes even watery. It is an uncomfortable feeling and is worth mentioning to your eye doctor.


Common Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Typically, you will feel symptoms in both eyes when you suffer from dry eyes. If it is only happening in one eye, dry eye is not a likely culprit; still, you will want to see your optometrist if it does not go away.


When you have dry eyes, you may experience a stinging or burning feeling in your eyes. You may also see an increase in discharge around your eyes. The mucus discharge has a unique, stringy texture different from pink eye, where you get thick buildup.


You may also feel sensitive to light or have eye redness that will not go away. Many people with dry eyes also complain about feeling as though there is something in their eyes. These symptoms can also cause watery eyes because your tear ducts are over-stimulated. As a result, the tears do not stay in your eyes long enough for good lubrication.


Unusual eye fatigue is also an issue, along with occasionally blurry vision. You may also have trouble driving, especially at night, because driving when dark demands more from your eyes. When you have dry eyes, your eyes are already strained, and driving at night can be harder to handle.


How Dry Eye Gets Diagnosed

Your optometrist will perform an exam and ask you questions about what you are feeling to give you the correct diagnosis. As various factors cause dry eyes, your eye doctor needs you to be honest and not hold anything back to help with the process.


Sometimes, dry eyes can be caused by issues with blocked ducts, which can be solved with a minor surgical procedure. Other times, you may have different underlying causes behind your lack of tear production, like hormonal imbalances or simply seasonal allergies.


Your doctor will discuss your risk factors and associated options. For example, if you are over 50 years old, you might be more likely to have diminished tear production. If you are menopausal, you may also experience a difference in tears. In addition, you may have dietary issues that can affect your tears. Discuss your options with your doctor to get your dry eyes under control.


When to Make an Appointment With Your Optometrist

Because causes vary, getting the proper treatment for your eyes relies on a thorough exam from your eye doctor and your full cooperation along the way. Everyone experiences eye irritation at some point — it is impossible not to. At the same time, if the signs and symptoms do not go away, you will need to make an appointment with your eye doctor.


Call Family Eye Clinic at 972-775-8000 to learn more about the signs and symptoms of dry eyes or to schedule an appointment at our office in Midlothian, Texas.

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