What to Expect From Cataracts Surgery and Aftercare

What to Expect From Cataracts Surgery and Aftercare

What to Expect From Cataracts Surgery and Aftercare

What to Expect From Cataracts Surgery and Aftercare

Cataracts are a prevalent eye problem that can develop as you age. It involves the clouding of the natural lens of your eye. That leads to difficulty seeing at night, blurry vision, and sensitivity to glare.


Preparing for Cataracts Surgery

You will undergo a comprehensive eye exam to determine your candidacy before the procedure. Additionally, your eye specialist will take measurements to determine the lens power required to replace your natural lens. Disclosing any medications you are taking is crucial. So is abiding by your eye doctor's recommendations regarding when to stop taking them.


The Cataract Surgery Procedure

The procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete. Your eye surgeon will first make a tiny incision in your cornea to break up and remove the clouded lens. They will then swap it out for a permanent, transparent artificial lens.


After Cataract Surgery

You will need someone to take you home after the surgery, as your vision may be blurry or hazy for a few hours. Your surgeon may prescribe eye drops or other medication to help prevent infection and promote healing. You must avoid strenuous activities, bending over, and rubbing your eyes.


Recovering From Cataract Surgery

Most patients notice a significant improvement in their vision within a few days. Complete healing, however, might take a few weeks. You must schedule follow-up appointments with your eye surgeon during this period. Avoiding lifting heavy objects, swimming, or using hot tubs can prevent eyestrain or injury.


Potential Risks and Complications

Although complications are uncommon, this procedure carries some risks, just like any surgical procedure. These include bruising, inflammation, infection, and injury to other eye structures. Before surgery, discussing any worries you may have with your eye surgeon is best. Please pay close attention to their instructions as you recover.



After undergoing this surgery, it is essential to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure a speedy and safe recovery. Here are five things to expect during cataract surgery aftercare:


Eye Protection

Your surgeon will give you eyeglasses or a shield to wear after surgery. The purpose of using protective eyewear is to shield your eyes from debris, wind, and other irritants that could harm them. Always wear this protective gear, especially when sleeping or venturing outside.



Your surgeon will prescribe medicated eye drops to help with inflammation and prevent infection after surgery. Follow the instructions for applying these drops, and avoid touching your eyes to prevent contamination.



After cataract surgery, your eyes will be sore and tender for a few days. Avoid activities that could strain your eyes, such as reading or binge-watching television, and get plenty of rest. Your doctor might recommend taking a few days off work to ensure adequate rest and recovery.


Follow-up Appointments

Your surgeon will set up follow-up appointments to check on your development and track your recovery. They will assess your eyesight during these appointments and modify your treatment if necessary.


Lifestyle Changes

You might need to alter your way of life after cataract surgery to ensure a proper recovery. Avoid swimming and other activities that could put more strain on your eyes. It is also best to hold off on heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and driving until your eye doctor gives you the all-clear.



This procedure is safe and efficient. It can help restore your vision and enhance your quality of life. You can mentally and physically prepare by knowing what to anticipate before, during, and after surgery. As always, following your surgeon's recommendations and attending all follow-up appointments will help ensure a successful recovery.

For more on cataract surgery, visit Family Eye Clinic at our Midlothian, Texas, office. Call (972) 775-8000 to schedule an appointment today.

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