Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

Treatment Options for Dry Eyes

Are your eyes itchy, sore, red, and burning? Do you have blurred vision and heavy, tired eyes? You might suffer from dry eyes. Fortunately, you can alleviate the symptoms by undergoing treatment. Let’s look at some of the most common treatments available on the market. 


Artificial Tears

If your symptoms are mild, you can treat your condition with artificial tears. You don’t need a prescription to buy and use artificial tears. You do need to know which type to get, though.

Artificial tears with a low viscosity work quickly but don’t last very long. High-viscosity artificial tears cause blurry vision for several minutes, but they last much longer. If you are unsure which is right for you, your eye doctor can help you choose.


Prescription Eye Drops

If artificial tears don’t manage your symptoms, your eye doctor can prescribe eye drops. Eye drops can reduce inflammation and stimulate tear production. You’ll need to use the eye drops daily to enjoy the optimal benefits.  


Steroid Eye Drops

If you still have eye inflammation after taking prescription eye drops, your eye doctor might prescribe steroid eye drops, as well. You’ll only use the eye drops for a short time. They are fast-acting and quickly reduce inflammation, which also alleviates burning and redness. You can take these eye drops along with prescription eye drops. Only use them as prescribed, though, since steroids have side effects. 


Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

Many people associate dry eyes with contact lenses, so it might come as a surprise that contacts can treat the condition. Some manufacturers have created specially formulated contact lenses that improve moisture retention in the eyes. You can even find contacts that provide moisture relief for up to 16 hours, so you can wear them all day without worrying about your eyes drying out. If you have dry eye symptoms and wear contacts, talk to your eye doctor about your options. 


Unblocking Your Meibomian Glands

Your tear film has three layers, including an oily layer that’s secreted from the meibomian glands. This layer prevents the tears from quickly evaporating. If your glands can’t secrete oil, you suffer from meibomian gland dysfunction. Your eye doctor can perform a meibomian gland expression to remove blockages, so your glands can function properly. There are different methods available for meibomian gland expression, and your eye doctor will go over your options and help you decide the right choice for you. 


Medication Adjustment

Your dry eye symptoms might be caused by the medications you’re taking. Your eye doctor will review your medications to see if they are causing your symptoms. If they are, your eye doctor will work with your health care provider, so you can get the medications you need without the side effects. Bring a full list of medications with you to your next appointment, so your eye doctor can review them. 

Dry eye is a treatable condition, but you need help. Contact the Family Eye Clinic at (972) 775-8000 to learn more about your treatment options. You can also contact us online

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